Статьи в зарубежных журналах — 2008
- Banshchikov A.V. Analysis of Dynamics of Large-Dimensional Mechanical Systems by the Tools of Computer Algebra // ACM Communications in Computer Algebra. - September 2008. - Vol. 42, Issue 165, № 3. - P. 162.
- Berman A.F., Nikolaychuk O.A., Pavlov A.I., Yurin A.Y. An Intelligent system for Investigation and Provision of Safety for Complex Constructions // Information Technologies and Knowledge. - 2008. - Vol. 2, № 3. - P. 218-225.
- Boccia M., Sforza A., Sterle C., Vasilyev I. A Cut and Branch Approach for the Capacitated p-Median Problem Based on Fenchel Cutting Planes // Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms. - 2008. - Vol. 7 (1). - P. 43-58.
- Bulatov M.V., Koshkareva L.V. Numerical solution of singular integral equations // Intern. J. of Information and Systems Sciences. - 2008. - Vol. 4, № 2. - P. 251-255.
- Bychkov I.V. A Service-Oriented Architecture for Some Problem of Municipal Management (Example of the City of Irkutsk Municipal Administration) // Computational Science and High Performance Computing III. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2008. - P. 238-248.
- Cherepennikov V.B. Polynomial quasisolutions of a boundary value problem for linear differential difference equations // Functional Differential Equations. - Ariel (Israel), 2008. - Vol. 15, № 1. - P. 143-157.
- Dulov E.V., Sinitsyn A.V. An approximate orthogonal decomposition method for the solution of the generalized Liouville equation // Boletin de Matematicas. Nueva Serie. - 2008. - Vol. XIV, № 2. - P. 129-172.
- Kosov A.A. On the gyroscopic stabilization of the nonconservative systems // J. of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. - 2008. - Vol. 2, № 4. - P. 1-8.
- Kosov A.A. Stabilization of the Nonautonomous Potential Systems with Forces of Dissimilar Structures // J. of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. - 2008. - Vol. 2, № 1. - P. 74-80.
- Matrosov V.M., Finogenko I.A. The Theory of differential equations which arise in dynamics of a system of rigid bodies with Coulomb friction // Advances in Nonlinear Sciences. II. Sciences and Applications: Monograph of Academy of Nonlinear Sciences. - Belgrade, 2008. - Vol. 2. - P. 3-92.
- Nikolaychuk O.A. Automating studies of the technical state of dangerous mechanical systems // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. - Springer, 2008. - Vol. 37, № 6. - P. 597-602.
- Nikolaychuk O.A., Yurin A.Y. Computer-Aided Identification of Mechanical System's Technical State with the Aid of Case-Based Reasoning // Expert Systems with Applications. - 2008. - Vol. 34. - P. 635-642.
- Pjescic M.R., Bulatov M.V., Chistyakov V.F. Investigation of qualitative properties of linear differential algebraic systems depending on a parameter // Intern. J. of Information and Systems Sciences. - 2008. - Vol. 4, № 2. - P. 268-277.
- Svinin A.K. Reductions of integrable lattices // J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. - 2008. - Vol. 41, № 31. - Art. № 315205. - 15 p.
- Timoshin S. Axiomatic regularity on metric spaces // Michigan Math. J. - 2008. - Vol. 56, № 2. - P. 301-313.
- Tolstonogov A.A. Existence and relaxation for extreme continuous selectors of multifunctions with decomposable values // Topology and Appl. - 2008. - Vol. 155, № 8. - P. 898-905.
- Банщиков А.В., Бурлакова Л.А., Иртегов.В.Д., Титоренко Т.Н. Задачи механики и компьютерная алгебра // Математические машины и системы (Украина). - 2008. - № 4. - С. 82-97.
- Черепенников В.Б., Ермолаева П.Г. Полиномиальные квазирешения линейных дифференциально-разностных уравнений второго порядка // Украинский мат. журн. - 2008. - Т. 60, № 1. - С. 140-152.