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Igor Vyacheslavovich BYCHKOV

Igor Vyacheslavovich Bychkov was born on May 8, 1961 in the city of Chita. In 1983 he graduated from the Mathematics Department of Irkutsk State University. Since 1981, he worked at the Irkutsk Computing Center, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1997, the Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences). In 1991 he defended his thesis "Network system for the representation and processing of knowledge for organizing computer tasks", in 2003 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Corporate Intelligent Technology for Spatially Distributed Data Processing in Regional Management Problems". In 2008, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Department of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (specialty "Informatics"), and since December 2011 he has been an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

I.V. Bychkov is an IT specialist. The main scientific results: corporate intelligent technology for processing spatially distributed data, which allows to increase the efficiency of preparation, analysis and decision-making in the problems of regional management and environmental management based on the use of distributed data processing and artificial intelligence methods; technology for processing knowledge about spatially distributed objects, complexes and systems based on ontologies; automation technology for creating software systems based on meta descriptions.

I.V. Bychkov worked at the IrvC of the SB RAS - IDSTU SB RAS as a trainee-researcher, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, laboratory head, deputy director for scientific work, from April 2007 to the present he is director of the Institute .

In the period from December 2002 to June 2006 and from June 2007 to September 2009 I.V. Bychkov worked concurrently as Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (Scientific Center of the SB RAS) for scientific work. From September 2009, he acted as chairman of the Presidium of the INTs SB RAS, since April 2010 - chairman of the Presidium of the INTs SB RAS. Since 2008 - Member of the Presidium of the SB RAS. Member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Scientific Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure", Council of the SB RAS Program "Information and Telecommunication Resources of the SB RAS", Chairman of the Scientific Coordinating Council for Informatization under the Presidium of the INTs SB RAS, Member of the Editorial Boards of the Computing Technologies SB RAS and Vestnik NSU journals, ​​a series of "Information Technology".

From July 2006 to April 2007, I.V. Bychkov served as vice mayor of Irkutsk.

I.V. Bychkov is the head of the Department of Systems Theory of Irkutsk State University, under his leadership 6 candidate dissertations have been completed and defended.

I.V. Bychkov is the author and co-author of more than 150 publications, including 9 collective monographs.

I.V. Bychkov is a laureate of a prize in the field of science and technology of the Governor of the Irkutsk region for a series of works on the development and creation of mathematical and information technologies for the implementation of software systems in the interests of government and management.

He was awarded the Friendship medal by the Government of Mongolia.

Awarded the honorary title "Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation".

For special achievements and achievements in the development of the city of Irkutsk, he was awarded the jubilee medal "In memory of the 350th anniversary of Irkutsk" (2011); awarded with a commemorative medal in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of academician A.A. Trofimuka (2011); Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2012 No. 1122).

Laureate of the 2012 Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the creation of the information and telecommunication infrastructure of interdisciplinary scientific research as the basis for the economic and social development of the eastern regions of Russia (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2013 No. 254-r).

Scientific publications


Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Российская академия наук (РАН) Сибирское отделение Российской академии наук (СО РАН) Отделение нанотехнологий и информационных технологий РАН (ОНИТ РАН) Иркутский филиал СО РАН (ИрФ СО РАН) Иркутский государственный университет (ИГУ) Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет (ИрНИТУ) Российский научный фонд Институт систем энергетики им. Л.А. Мелентьева (ИСЭМ СО РАН)
Наука в Сибири Агентство научный новостей