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Implemented Educational Programs

Programs for the Training of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel in Postgraduate Studies (According to the Federal State Requirements)

Group of Scientific SpecializationsScientific SpecializationMain Educational Program NameEducation LevelDuration of Education
1.1Mathematics and Mechanics1.1.2Differential Equations and Mathematical PhysicsDifferential Equations and Mathematical PhysicsHigher Education - Training of Highly Qualified Personnel4 years
1.2Computer Science and Informatics1.2.2Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software ComplexesMathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software ComplexesHigher Education - Training of Highly Qualified Personnel3 years
2.3Information Technology and Telecommunications2.3.1Systems Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, StatisticsSystems Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, StatisticsHigher Education - Training of Highly Qualified Personnel3 years
2.3Information Technology and Telecommunications2.3.5Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Systems, Complexes, and Computer NetworksMathematical and Software Support for Computing Systems, Complexes, and Computer NetworksHigher Education - Training of Highly Qualified Personnel3 years
2.3Information Technology and Telecommunications2.3.8Informatics and Information ProcessesInformatics and Information ProcessesHigher Education - Training of Highly Qualified Personnel3 years


Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Российская академия наук (РАН) Сибирское отделение Российской академии наук (СО РАН) Отделение нанотехнологий и информационных технологий РАН (ОНИТ РАН) Иркутский филиал СО РАН (ИрФ СО РАН) Иркутский государственный университет (ИГУ) Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет (ИрНИТУ) Российский научный фонд Институт систем энергетики им. Л.А. Мелентьева (ИСЭМ СО РАН)
Наука в Сибири Агентство научный новостей