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The 15th Baikal International School-Seminar on OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS


If you are not a Russian citizen and you travel from abroad, you have to get a visa at the nearest Russian embassy. All necessary documents and other details of the visa application will be sent you after the acceptance notification.

Irkutsk is located in the center of Eastern Siberia in about 5000 kilometers from Moscow. It can be easily reached by airplanes or trains. The main airlines companies which operate in Irkutsk airport are:,, This summer the direct flight to Munich is expected.

Listvyanka is located in about 66 kilometers from Irkutsk. It is well connected with Irkutsk by buses. The forth and back transfer will be organized at the first and last days of the conference. All other details and tourist information will be given later.

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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Российская академия наук (РАН) Сибирское отделение Российской академии наук (СО РАН) Отделение нанотехнологий и информационных технологий РАН (ОНИТ РАН) Иркутский филиал СО РАН (ИрФ СО РАН) Иркутский государственный университет (ИГУ) Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет (ИрНИТУ) Российский научный фонд Институт систем энергетики им. Л.А. Мелентьева (ИСЭМ СО РАН)
Наука в Сибири Агентство научный новостей