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tafsir ahlam

tafisr ahlam is a very useful activity, and does seeing Satan mean that I do not obey God? Seeing a single person taking off the upper or lower tooth by hand in a dream indicates that he will get married soon.

Seeing a woman removing the upper or lower tooth with the hand in a dream indicates that God will bless her with a pregnancy soon, and God knows best. Seeing teeth in a dream refers to relatives on the father's side or on the mother's side. Seeing a single woman having the upper or lower tooth removed by hand in a dream indicates the approaching date of her engagement.

Seeing the fiancée pulled out the upper or lower tooth in a dream indicates the many problems in the coming period between her and her fiancé, which will lead to the annulment of the engagement.

Seeing a single woman having teeth falling out in a dream indicates her strong will and desire to marry. Seeing a single woman extracted a tooth by hand, then blood came out from the tooth’s place in a dream indicates that she will marry a good man and will live with him a life full of happiness.


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