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Электронные публикации — 2013

  1. Markov Yu., Markova M. Soft-quark bremsstrahlung and energy losses of high-energy partons in a hot quark-gluon plasma // Proc. of the 7th BLTP JINR-APCTP Joint Workshop "Modern problems in nucleai and elementary particle particle physics" (Russia, Irkutsk Region, Bolshiye Koty, July 14–19, 2013). URL: http://theor.jinr.ru/~APCTP_2013/talk_Yuri_Annecy.pdf.
  2. Markova M., Markov Yu. On the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for soft fermionic excitations in a hot QCD plasma // Proc. of the 7th BLTP JINR-APCTP Joint Workshop "Modern problems in nucleai and elementary particle particle physics" (Russia, Irkutsk Region, Bolshiye Koty, July 14–19, 2013). URL: http://theor.jinr.ru/~APCTP_2013/talk_Rita_Annecy.pdf.
  3. Kaloshin A.E., Lomov V.P. Renormalization procedure for fermions with CP invariant interaction // Proc. of the 7th BLTP JINR-APCTP Joint Workshop "Modern problems in nucleai and elementary particle particle physics" (Russia, Irkutsk Region, Bolshiye Koty, July 14–19, 2013). URL: http://theor.jinr.ru/~APCTP_2013/Lomov-Baikal2013.pdf.
  4. Radzhabov A. et. al. Fluctuations of conserved charges in the nonlocal chiral quark model at finite temperatures // Proc. of the 7th BLTP JINR-APCTP Joint Workshop "Modern problems in nucleai and elementary particle particle physics" (Russia, Irkutsk Region, Bolshiye Koty, July 14–19, 2013). URL: http://theor.jinr.ru/~APCTP_2013/TalkBaikalAradzh.pdf.
  5. Zhevlakov A.S., Radzhabov A.E., Dorokhov A.E. Contribution to anomalous magnetic moment of muon from light-by-light in nonlocal quark model // Proc. of the 7th BLTP JINR-APCTP Joint Workshop "Modern problems in nucleai and elementary particle particle physics" (Russia, Irkutsk Region, Bolshiye Koty, July 14–19, 2013). URL: http://theor.jinr.ru/~APCTP_2013/Zhevlakov-workshopBKoty.pdf.

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