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Статьи в зарубежных журналах — 2010

Статьи в журналах, входящих в базу Web of Science

  1. Avella P., Boccia M., Vasilyev I. A computational study of exact knapsack separation for the generalized assignment problem // Computational Optimization and Applications. - 2010. - V. 45 (3). - P. 543-555.
  2. Berman A.F., Nikolaychuk O.A., Yurin A.Yu. Intelligent planner for control of failures analysis of unique mechanical systems // Expert Systems with Applications. - 2010. - V. 37. - P. 7101-7107.
  3. Blaschke D., Buballa M., Radzhabov A.E., Volkov M.K. Nonlocal Quark Model Beyond Mean Field // Physics of Particles and Nuclei. - 2010. - V. 41 - P. 921-923.
  4. Goncharova E., Ovseevich A. Asymptotics for Singularly Perturbed Reachable Sets // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - V. 5910. - P. 290-295.
  5. Goncharova E., Ovseevich A. Refined Asymptotics for Singularly Perturbed Reachable Sets // World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science. Series B. - 2010. - V. 15. - P. 259-264.
  6. Irtegov V.D., Titorenko T.N. On Reduction of Lagrange Systems // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - Springer, 2010. - Vol. 6244. - P. 123-133.
  7. Kosov A.A. On the D-stability and additive D-stability of Matrices and Svicobians // Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. - 2010. - V. 4, No. 2. - P. 200-212.
  8. Markov Yu.A., Markova M.A. On the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for soft fermionic excitations in a hot QCD plasma // Nuclear Physics A. - 2010. - V. 840. - P. 76-96.
  9. Markov Yu.A., Markova M.A., Shishmarev A.A. The equation of motion for a classical color particle in background non-Abelian bosonic and fermionic fields // J. Phys. D: Nucl. Part. Phys. - 2010. - V. 37. - P. 105001 (25 p).
  10. Markov Yu.A., Markova M.A., Vall A.N. Nonlinear dynamics of soft fermion excitations in hot QCD plasma: Soft-quark bremsstrahlung and energy losses // International Journal of Modern Physics A. - 2010. - V. 25. - P. 685-776.
  11. Semenov E.I., Sinitsyn A.V. New stationary distributions of the Vlasov-Maxwell-Fokker-Planck's system // Physics Letters A. - 2010. - V. 374, Issue 41. - P. 4222-4225.
  12. Strekalovsky A.S., Orlov A.V., Malyshev A.V. On computational search for optimistic solutions in bilevel problems // Journal of Global Optimization. - 2010. - V. 48, № 1. - P. 159-172.
  13. Timoshin S.A. Lyapunov inequality for elliptic equations involving limiting nonlinearities // Proc. Japan Acad. A. - 2010. - V. 86, № 8. - 8 p.
  14. Timoshin S.A. Wiener criterion on metric spaces: Boundary regularity in axiomatic and Poincare-Sobolev spaces // Israel Journal of Mathematics. - 2010. - V. 179. - P. 211-234.
  15. You S., Tanabe H., Ono Y., Balandin A.L. Vector and Scalar Tomography of Compact Toroid Plasmas // Journal of Fusion Energy. - 2010. - V. 29, № 6. - P. 592-595. 

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