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Статьи в зарубежных журналах — 2011

Статьи в журналах, входящих в базу Web of Science

  1. Aleksandrov A.Yu., Chen Y., Kosov A.A., Zang L. Stability of Hybrid Mechanical Systems with Linear Force Fields // Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory. 2011. Vol. 11, № 1. P. 53-64.
  2. Bulatov M.V., Lima P.M. Two-dimensional integral-algebraic systems: Analysis and computational methods // J. Computational Applied Mathematics. 2011. Vol. 236 (2). P. 132-140.
  3. Davydov A.V., Larionov A.A., Cherkashin E.A. On the calculus of positively constructed formulas for automated theorem proving // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (AC&CS). 2011. Vol. 45, № 7. P. 402-407.
  4. Dorokhov A.E., Radzhabov A.E., Zhevlakov A.S. Light-by-light contribution to the (g-2) of muon from pseudoscalar channel in the nonlocal SU(3) x SU(3) quark model // Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 2011. Vol. 219-220 (The Proc. of the 5th Joint Intern. Hadron Structure '11 Conf., Tatranská Strba, High Tatra Mountains, Slovak Republic, 27 June - 1 July 2011). P. 267-270.
  5. Dorokhov A.E., Radzhabov A.E., Zhevlakov A.S. The pseudoscalar hadronic channel contribution of the light-by-light process to the muon (g-2) within the nonlocal chiral quark model // Eur. Phys. J. C. 2011. Vol. 71, № 7. Article № 1702.
  6. Dykhta V.A., Samsonyuk O.N. Some applications of Hamilton-Jacobi inequalities for classical and impulsive optimal control problems // European Journal of Control. 2011. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 55-69.
  7. Goncharova E., Ovseevich A. Asymptotics for shapes of singularly perturbed reachable sets // SIAM J. Control Optim. 2011. Vol. 49, № 2. P. 403-419.
  8. Goncharova E., Staritsyn M. Gradient Algorithms for Optimal Impulsive Control // Autom. Rem. Control. 2011. Vol. 72, № 11. P. 345-353.
  9. Ignatiev A., Semenov A. DPLL+ROBDD Derivation Applied to Inversion of Some Cryptographic Functions // Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS). 2011. Vol. 6695. P. 76-89.
  10. Irtegov V.D., Titorenko T.N. On Invariant Manifolds of Lagrange Systems // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). 2011. Vol. 6885. P. 226-238.
  11. Kaloshin A.E., Kobeleva E.A., Lomov V.P. Mixing of fermion fields of opposite parities and baryon resonances // Intern. J. Mod. Phys. A. 2011. Vol. 26, № 14. P. 2307-2326.
  12. Protasov A.V., Nikolaychuk O.A. Applying the finite-element method for evaluating the reliability of mechanical systems // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. Springer, 2011. Vol. 40, № 1. P. 27-30.
  13. Radzhabov A.E., Blaschke D., Buballa M., Volkov M.K. Nonlocal PNJL model beyond mean field and the QCD phase transition // Phys. Rev. D. 2011. Vol. 83, Issue 11. Article № 116004. (16 p.).
  14. Semenov A., Zaikin O., Bespalov D., Posypkin M. Parallel Logical Cryptanalysis of the Generator A5/1 in BNB-Grid System // Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS). 2011. Vol. 6873. P. 473-483.
  15. Svinin A.K. A remark on Dickey's stabilizing chain // Phys. Lett. A. 2011. Vol. 375. P. 2585-2586.
  16. Svinin A.K. On some class of homogeneous polynomials and explicit form of integrable hierarchies of differential-difference equations // J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2011. Vol. 44. 165206. (16 p).
  17. Svinin A.K. On some integrable lattice related by the Miura-type transformation to the Itoh-Narita-Bogoyavlenskii lattice // J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2011. Vol. 44. 465210. (8 p).
  18. Tairov E.A., Chistyakov V.F., Levin A.A. Using the theory of hydraulic circuits in simulating thermal power installations // Thermal Engineering. 2011. Vol. 58, issue 13. P. 1094-1098.
  19. Timoshin S.A., Tolstonogov A.A. Existence and properties of solutions of a control system with hysteresis effect // Nonlinear Anal. 2011. Vol. 74, № 13. P. 4433-4447.
  20. Tyatyushkin A.I. A multimethod technique for solving optimal control problem //
    Optimization Letters. Springer-Verlag, 2011. P. 1-13. (Online First, 28 October 2011).

Статьи в прочих зарубежных журналах

  1. Cherkashin E.A., Paramonov V.V., Ipatov S.A., Tertychniy V.S., Terehin I.N. Model Driven Architecture is a Complex System // E-Society Journal. Research and Applications. 2011. Vol. 2, № 2. P. 15-23.
  2. Malyshev A.V., Strekalovsky A.S. On global search for pessimistic solution in bilevel problems // Intern. J. of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences. Special issue on Variational Inequality and Combinatorial Problems. 2011. Vol. 18, № 1. P. 57-61.
  3. Petrova E.G., Strekalovsky A.S. The Quadratic-Linear Bilevel Problems Solving via Nonconvex Constraint Problems // Intern. J. of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences. Special issue on Variational Inequality and Combinatorial Problems. 2011. Vol. 18, № 1. P. 63-67.
  4. Воробьева О.П., Парамонов В.В., Черкашин Е.А. Применение методики MDA для разработки информационных систем поддержки научных исследований // Известия Кыргызского гос. техн. ун-та им. И. Раззакова. 2011. № 24. С. 209-212.


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