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Статьи в зарубежных журналах — 2012

Статьи в журналах, входящих в базу Web of Science

  1. Aleksandrov A.Yu., Kosov A.A., Platonov A.V. On the asymptotic stability of switched homogeneous systems // Systems & Control Letters. 2012. Vol. 61, № 1. P. 127-133.
  2. Avella P., Boccia M., Salerno S., Vasilyev I. An aggregation heuristic for large scale p-median problem // Computers & Operations Research. 2012. Vol. 39, № 7. P. 1625-1632.
  3. Avella P., Boccia M., Vasilyev I. Computational Testing of a Separation Procedure for the Knapsack Set with a Single Continuous Variable // INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2012. Vol. 24, № 1. P. 165-171.
  4. Badmatsyrenova S.B., Baturin V.A. Second-order successive improvement method for discrete control systems // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2012. Vol. 51, No. 4. P. 488-499.
  5. Balandin A.L., Ono Y., You S. 3D vector tomography using vector spherical harmonics decomposition // Intern. J. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2012. Vol. 63, № 10. P. 1433-1441.
  6. Berman A.F., Nikolaychuk O.A., Yurin A.Yu. Intellectual data system for analyzing failures. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2012. Vol. 41, № 4. P. 337-343.
  7. Blaschke D., Buballa M., Radzhabov A.E., Volkov M.K. Nonlocal PNJL model beyond mean field // Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2012. Vol. 75 (Proc. of the 6th Intern. Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Dubna, Aug. 23-29, 2010). P. 738-740.
  8. Bludov V.V., Glass A.M.W. A finitely presented orderable group with insoluble word problem // Bulletin of the London Math. Society. 2012. Vol. 44, № 1. P. 85-98.
  9. Budnikova O.S., Bulatov M.V. Numerical Solution of Integral-Algebraic Equations via Multistep Methods // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2012. Vol. 52, No. 5. P. 691-701.
  10. Carrizosa E., Ushakov A., Vasilyev I. A computational study of a nonlinear minsum facility location problem // Computers & Operations research. 2012. Vol. 39, № 11. P. 2625-2633.
  11. Chistyakova E.V. Regularizing Properties of Difference Schemes for Singular Integral Differential Equations // Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2012. Vol. 62. P. 1302-1311.
  12. Colombo R.M., Pogodaev N. Confinement Strategies in a Model for the Interaction between Individuals and a Continuum // SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 2012. № 11 (2). P. 741-770.
  13. Dorokhov A.E., Radzhabov A.E., Zhevlakov A.S. The Light-by-Light Contribution to the Muon (g - 2) from Lightest Pseudoscalar and Scalar Mesons within Nonlocal Chiral Quark Model // Eur. Phys. J. C. 2012. Vol. 72. P. 2227 (12).
  14. Finogenko I.A. On attraction and weak attraction for autonomous functional differential inclusions using multiple Lyapunov functionals // Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2012. Vol. 53, No. 1. P. 174-181.
  15. Goncharova E., Staritsyn M. Optimization of Measure-Driven Hybrid Systems // J. Optim. Theory Appl. 2012. Vol. 153, № 1. P. 139-156.
  16. Irtegov V.D., Titorenko T.N. Invariant manifolds in the Clebsch-Tisserand-Brun problem // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2012. Vol. 76, Issue 3. P. 268-274.
  17. Kaloshin A.E., Lomov V.P. Top Quark as a Resonance // Eur. Phys. J. C. 2012. Vol. 72. P. 2094 (9).
  18. Kazakov A.L. Generalized Cauchy problem with data on two and three surfaces for a quasilinear system with singularities in the coefficients multiplying the derivatives // Differential equations. 2012. Vol. 48, Issue 4. P. 538-551.
  19. Kozlov R.I., Kozlova O.R. Exponential stability and estimates for monotone and differential-difference systems // Differential Equations. 2012. Vol. 48, No. 9. P. 1296-1307.
  20. Kwon H.J., Timoshin S.A. Generalized Lyapunov inequalities involving critical Sobolev exponents // Sib. Math. J. 2012. Vol. 53, No. 4. P. 691-701.
  21. Shcheglova A.A., Matveeva I.I. On the nonresonance property of linear differential-algebraic systems // Differential Equations. 2012. Vol. 48, No. 1. P. 26-43.
  22. Shcheglova A.A., Petrenko P.S. The R-observability and R-controllability of linear differential-algebraic systems // Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ). 2012. Vol. 56, No. 3. P. 66-82.
  23. Strekalovsky A.S. Maximizing a State Convex Lagrange Functional in Optimal Control // Automation and Remote Control. 2012. Vol. 73, Issue 6. P. 949-961.
  24. Timoshin S.A., Tolstonogov A.A. Bogolyubov-type theorem with constraints induced by a control system with hysteresis effect // Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2012. Vol. 75, № 15. P. 5884-5893.
  25. Tolstonogov A.A. Continuity in the parameter of the minimum value of an integral functional over the solutions of an evolution control systems // Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2012. Vol. 75, № 12. P. 4711-4727.
  26. Tolstonogov A.A. Investigation of a new class of control systems // Doklady Mathematics. 2012. Vol. 85, No. 2. P. 178-180.
  27. Tyatyushkin A.I. A multimethod technique for solving optimal control problem // Optimization Letters. 2012. Vol. 6, issue 7. P. 1335-1347.
  28. Tyatyushkin A.I. Control optimization in a hyperbolic linear system // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2012. Vol. 52, No. 1. P. 4-19.
  29. Yurin A.Yu. An approach for definition of recommendations for prevention of repeated failures with the aid of case-based reasoning and group decision-making methods // Expert Systems with Applications. 2012. Vol. 39. P. 9282-9287.


Статьи в прочих зарубежных журналах

  1. Aleksandrov A.Yu., Kosov A.A. Stability of Equilibrium Positions of Mechanical Systems with Switched Force Fields // Scientific publications of the State University of Novi Pazar. Ser. A: Appl. Math. Inform. and Mech. 2012. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 35-39.
  2. Anikin A.S., Gornov A.Yu. Software implementation of Newton's method for Keating's potential optimization problems with use of sparse matrix technology // J. Studia Informatica Universalis. 2012. Vol. 9, № 3. P. 11-19.
  3. Bulatov M.V., Rakhvalov N.P., Ta Duy Phuong. Numerical methods of solution of boundary-value problem for differential algebraic equations of second // Journal of Science / University of Dalat. 2012. № 3a. P. 1-8.
  4. Cherkashin E.A., Paramonov V.V., Fedorov R.K., Terehin I.N., Poznjak E.I., Annenkov D.V. Information Systems Framework Synthesis on the Base of a Logical Approach // E-society Journal: Research and Applications / University of Novi Sad. Zrenjanin (Serbia), 2012. Vol. 3, No. 2. P. 1-13.
  5. Cherkashin E.A., Sokolov A.Yu. Extraction of thesaurus and a Project Structure from Open-source Software GIT Repository // E-society Journal: Research and Applications / University of Novi Sad. Zrenjanin (Serbia), 2012. Vol. 3, No. 2. P. 1-13.
  6. Gornov A.Yu., Veyalko I.A. The global extremum searching algorithm for bang-bang optimal control problem based on the Shepard operator // J. Studia Informatica Universalis. 2012. Vol. 9, № 3. P. 91-104.
  7. Irtegov V.D., Titorenko T.N. Symbolic Analysis of Dynamic Systems // ACM SIGSAM Communications in Computer Algebra. 2012. Vol. 46, № 3, Issue 181. P. 72-73.
  8. Posypkin M., Semenov A., Zaikin O. Using BOINC desktop grid to solve large scale SAT problems // Computer Science Journal. 2012. Vol. 13, № 1. P. 25-34.
  9. Rusanov V.A., Antonova L.V., Daneev A.V. Inverse Problem of Nonlinear Systems Analysis: A Behavioral Approach // Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes. 2012. Vol. 10 (2). P. 69-88.
  10. Заикин О.С., Посыпкин М.А., Семенов А.А., Храпов Н.П. Организация добровольных вычислений на платформе BOINC на примере проектов OPTIMA@home и SAT@home // CAD/CAM/CAE Observer. 2012. № 3 (71). С. 87-92.


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